품격있는 정치, 품위있는 정치인과 함께 하는 세상이어야 하는데
All Koreans are refugees like animals in the zoos. Corea, Korea, Corean, Korean, Coreans and Koreans ?! Whatever they are!
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751 Diaspora

Privacy Policy and Consent to Use

It is used for member information and individual service use and management according to website membership sign-up. Required items: ID(e-mail), password, nickname, date of birth, items automatically collected by the system in the process of using the website: IP, service use records, access logs, etc. ※ Additional collection and use of personal information may occur only for individual service users within the homepage. In the case of additional collection and use of personal information, separate consent is requested after notification at the time of collection. ※ 'PUM' is an overseas corporation site, and personal information is not used for purposes other than collection activities for membership registration, information storage, and member identification. Retention and use period of personal information 1. From website member sign-up to member withdrawal 2. Within 6 months if you do not re-agree every 2 years based on the 「Standard Privacy Guidelines」 You may refuse to agree to the above in accordance with the 「Personal Information Protection Act」. However, refusal to consent will not cause any disadvantages other than restrictions on membership registration and inability to use individual services that require consent. 3. The company makes every effort to provide correct information on this website, but does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information. COMPANY DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE WEBSITE OR WEBSITE SERVER WILL BE FREE OF VIRUSES OR OTHER HARMFUL COMPONENTS, AND YOU ASSUME ALL COSTS NECESSARY TO PERFORM SERVICING, REPAIR OR ERROR CORRECTION OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM. Neither the Company nor its affiliates will be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential losses (including any third party claims, loss of profits or revenues or future losses) suffered by you or any third party in connection with your use of the website. Nothing in the Terms of Use should be construed as an attempt to limit or exclude the company's liability for personal damage caused by the company's negligence, and nothing specified by the company affects the legal rights of consumers. These Terms of Use (USA, State of Illinois.) apply. By accessing and using the Website, you agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the United States courts for all disputes.
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